Online Newspapers

The New York Times

Patrons of Lyons Regional Library can now enjoy New York Times | All Access.
Your access includes everything The New York Times offers:
● News: Understand the world with original reporting from 1,700 journalists
● Games: Spelling Bee, Wordle, The Crossword and more.
● Cooking: Recipes, advice and inspiration for any occasion.
● Wirecutter: Independent reviews for thousands of products
● The Athletic: In-depth, personalized sports journalism. 

Five mobile phones displaying the New York Times logo and 4 of its features- Wirecutter, Games, Cooking and The Atlantic

Click here to access your redemption code good for 24 hours of full access to the New York Times. 

To access your subscription, you’ll need to log in or register first.

The Redstone Review

The Redstone Review monthly newspaper is published in the Lyons area by Susan de Castro McCann. Electronic versions of the full newspaper version are available for free online.

Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection

This free catalog of historic newspapers offers a unique look into the past and is especially valuable when researching social and political issues of previous eras and for doing genealogical research.


The Lyons Recorder

Back issues from 1960 to the present can be viewed in physical form at the Redstone Museum upon request, 340 High Street. The museum is open from May to October. Call 303-823-5271.

For digital issues of The Lyons Recorder from June 7, 1900 to December 26, 1901 (82 issues), please visit the Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection.