Library ROI Calculator Please enter the number of times you use the following library services each month Your Use Library Services Value of Services Books Borrowed per Month $ Magazines Borrowed per Month $ Videos Borrowed per Month $ Audio Books Borrowed per Month $ In-Library Magazine Use per Month $ Interlibrary Loans per Month $ Meeting Rooms Use (Hours per Month) $ Program/Class Attended per Month - Adult $ Program/Class Attended per Month - Child $ Computer Use (Hours per Month) $ Databases Used per Month (Number of Separate Databases) $ Reference Questions Asked per Month $ Value you receive monthly from your library: $____ For every $1.00 in taxes you invest in your library, you receive $_____ of value in return* Where did these numbers come from? Typical taxpayer contributions are determined from the library's local income per capita. For libraries in Colorado, this can be found at We borrowed value of library service figures from Maine State Library's Library Use Value Calculator. For more information, see their explanation. *Your personal return on investment is based on your responses and the typical annual tax contribution for . You see a returned value of $____ for every one dollar invested. Visit to find Local Income per Capita for Colorado's public libraries. This calculator is a modification of the Maine State Library calculator, developed by the Library Research Service. In an effort to better understand how people use this site, and the value they are deriving from our public libraries, this iframe is being used to help us compile data about the answers given here. No personal information is being collected. Please direct questions or concerns to LRS -